Jeff Schafer




Age: 35

Gender identity: Cis

Race: W

Indigenous: N/A

Class: Middle

Other identity (e.g. linguistic, religious):

Education: MEd

Language: English

Personal responsibilities:

Location: relationship to Lower Mainland (from here, were from here, from elsewhere). From the Okanagan (interior BC), teach high school in the Lower Mainland

Widgets: Tools & Platforms

  • Curation & Storytelling – Ponga, HistoryPin

Brief Biography

This Vancouver-area teacher wants to show video works to his class, which might show a different perspective of the West Coast from the point of view of technologically experimental video artists.  He wishes to select 5-10 relevant works, at least half of which address an under-seen social group related to BC’s short history as a province and longer history as a sovereign territory.

Character description

  • Doesn’t like asking for help
  • Feels overly confident in his knowledge of search engines
  • Relies on basic search terms only
  • Unsure about obtaining rights to screen works to high school classes


Interest in archives & Life experience

Why interested in archives: To show video and film art to high school class

Community affiliations: CUPE, Rotary, VAG Member, Big Brothers

Represented in archives.

Professional affiliations: Canadian Fed of Teachers

Access needs and mobility: None


Why: Many students are not aware of BC’s complex history as a destination for newcomers, gold miners, loggers and other more recent groups.


Barriers: How do I find relevant works possibly featuring Vancouver and under-seen communities?

Info and Tech Access & Experience

Hardware: PCs

Software: Office, Mac OS

Network connectivity: DSL

Experience with archival tools: Minimal – undergrad level research

Experience with archival frameworks: Minimal – undergrad level research

Comfort with learning technology: Moderate


What do they want to do: Curate a selection of works to show to HS classes

Created by Andrea Fatona’s Team