Susan Shevchenko

Susan Shevchenko

Business Owner



Age: 38

Gender identity: Female

Race: Caucasian, Ukrainian ancestry

Indigenous: No

Class: Middle class

Other identity (e.g. linguistic, religious): N/A

Education: BA

Language: English, some Ukrainian

Personal responsibilities: Has 2 young children

Location: Moved from Alberta to Vancouver in her early 20s to attend university here

Widgets: Tools & Platforms

  • Transcription – Transkribus
  • IIIF – Mirador
  • Visualization – Gist

Brief Biography

Susan Shevchenko moved to Vancouver in her twenties to attend university. She graduated with a BA in the humanities and settled in the city. She has two young children, and she is the owner and operator of a neighbourhood bakery that opened recently. She is trying to promote the bakery by linking it to her local neighbourhood and its communities. She has thought it would be nice to do this by finding historical images and texts relating to her building and the baking trade and using these in her own branding, but she finds it hard to find the time to do the research, isn’t sure where to begin or what tools and resources are available. She thinks that if it’s on the internet, copyright doesn’t apply, but she isn’t sure about that, but figures she’ll worry about that later.

Character description

  • Entrepreneurial
  • Prides herself on “getting things done”
  • Get frustrated by “bureaucratic” obstacles


Interest in archives & Life experience

Why interested in archives: Did a few history courses as undergrad, had a class tour of archives once, but doesn’t recall much about it.

Community affiliations: Was once active in local Ukrainian community, remains connected but doesn’t have time to do much.

Represented in archives: No

Professional affiliations: Belongs to the local chapter of the Business Improvement Association

Access needs and mobility: No visible disabilities or impaired movement


Why: Susan wants to promote her bakery and thinks historical images are cool and will resonate with her customers.


Barriers: Susan doesn’t have a lot of time to do extensive searches, and she fears it will be complicated, so she keeps putting off the research.

Info and Tech Access & Experience

Hardware: Works with PCs at work and at home

Software: Office software and uses inventory and accounting software for her business

Network connectivity: Has access to high-speed internet

Experience with archival tools: None. Experience with archival frameworks: Some introduction back when she was an undergrad, but that was a while ago and she has never done any work in archives

Comfort with learning technology: Middling, Susan learns what she needs


What do they want to do: Sarah is interested in finding historical material she can use for her bakery: looking for photos of her building, images of bakers / bakeries / the neighbourhood that she can use in her store, on labels, on her website to give her bakery an historical theme, rooting it in the local community.

What relationship do they want to the archives: Susan wants access to documentation that has visual appear (texts, posters, images), ones she can freely download / use.

Created by Richard Dancy