
You may register for either the in-person or virtual symposium. Aside from the pre-symposium workshops, all symposium activities will be live streamed.

We aim to make the symposium as accessible as possible and have reduced rates for students, emerging and underemployed professionals, IBPOC delegates, and virtual attendees. If you do not qualify for the student or reduced registration rate, please register at the standard rate.

If you are an employee in the GLAM sector or a student in related studies, you may be eligible for the Canadian Museums Association conference bursary to help cover costs related to travel, registration, and accommodation.

Experience Types

In-person: attendees will have access to all symposium activities including evening receptions, talks and exhibitions with all meals included; coffee breaks; and in-person networking. If you would like to attend any of the pre-symposium workshops, you may add them during registration (in-person only). Workshops are an additional $15 each.

Virtual: attendees will have streaming access to all symposium activities including evening exhibitions and talks. Please note that the registration system is setup to accept registrants for all four days of the symposium, so your invoice may indicate Apr 25-28. However, the pre-symposium workshops will not be live streamed. You will receive the live streaming links for the evening Apr 25 presentation at VIVO, and the full day of events from Apr 26-28. Links will also be provided on the password-protected “Virtual Participants” page.

Refund Policy

Due to catering and venue commitments, no refunds will be given after March 24, 2024. Before this date refunds will be given in full minus a 3.5% credit card transaction fee.


Register below by clicking the button that corresponds to your correct rate and experience type.

This symposium is generously supported by funds from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Simon Fraser University, OCAD University, VIVO Media Arts Centre and the Internet Archive.